Our motto with Attack Life, Not Others is Mind, Body, Spirit — meaning one must be equally well-conditioned in all 3 of these areas in order to attack life and thrive. Mind and Body are both pretty straightforward, yet we oft...
Sensei Hoover and Steve Mittman talk about anticipation. Is anticipating something good, bad, or neither? Anticipation leads to preparedness. Preparedness allows one to handle a situation more effectively. It puts time on one...
Sensei Hoover and Steve Mittman talk about Combat Chaos™ — the self-protection/self-defense curriculum Steve instructs at HKA. Then they get into the difference between sparring in a respectful, controlled, class environment ...
As we've discussed before , in addition to Hoover Karate Academy , Sensei Hoover owns and operates a private detective agency — Confidential Investigations, Inc. He shares a recent occurrence where the situation could have en...
"Never forget where you came from — but don't let that stop you from where you're going." Hear a story that was told to Sensei Hoover by one of his instructors decades ago. You'll see how profound it is and why it has stuck w...
A couple guests — Frank and Jim — share a story and how they've learned to deal with altercations that have the potential to escalate. Like what you hear? Rate and review by clicking here , then “View in iTunes” and go to Rat...
Here is the final part in our series about the law and self-protection. Sensei Hoover continues the discussion with Judge Steinberg, as they go into more specifics with the castle doctrine, also known as a castle law. In the ...
Our discussion about self-protection and the law continues in this episode, part 2 in a series of 3. Last week we set the stage , and now Judge Steinberg of Lehigh County, PA joins us. Self-defense is defined as the right to ...
We reveal CEE — Commit, Execute, and Evaluate. CEE is another principle Sensei Hoover has developed as a reminder how to go about handling anything that is valued. Obviously, defending one's life is of great importance and va...
The best defense when being attacked, is going on the offense as quickly as possible. That could mean going on the offense with violence greater than the attacker's, or actively and purposefully removing yourself from the sit...
As you know by now, martial arts are the foundation of this podcast. But we take the principles, concepts, and philosophies and try to make them relatable to everyday life and everyone — even non-martial artists. Once again, ...
Hear about the two different "worlds" Sensei Hoover is involved in, and how even though they are opposites, they feed off each other to coexist and create balance. His martial arts schools are positive and they build characte...
Last episode Sensei Hoover and Steve Mittman talked about texting and how we need more face-to-face interaction to become aware of ourselves, along with picking up on nonverbal communication. This episode we talk about verbal...
As technology continues to progress, we have more ways than ever before to communicate with others. However, we think most would agree we are actually more out of touch than ever before. Not only are we out of touch with othe...
After recording last week's episode , we got to talking with Brian Billig more about fundamentals, and how important they are. Fundamentals played a crucial part in his football coaching. He still focuses on the basics in eve...
Senseis Aurora Brunovsky and 11-year-old Brian Billig (who recently earned his black belt) along with Brian's dad join us on this episode. We discuss how baseline experimentation can be used in all aspects of life to always i...
The day this episode was recorded, it happened to be "What You Think Grows Upon You Day." Sensei Hoover and Steve Mittman talk about focusing thoughts and manifesting things into existence. This, in fact, is how the Journey F...
At HKA there is what we call the 6 “Selfs” — the most important one being Self-Discipline. Without self-discipline none of the other selfs are possible. Often self-discipline comes down to having an argument with yourself, no...
The Ready Stance and Relaxed Position are some of the first things one learns when training in the martial arts. Additionally, while other elements of training constantly evolve with the times, these positions have remained u...
There are very few things you can practice that collectively improve your mind, body, and spirit all together. Training in the martial arts is one of them. In previous episodes, we talked about strengthening your mind , your ...
As we said before , most people when they train typically see changes occurring physically first, then mentally, and spiritually last. In the last episode , we talked about some of those physical changes — getting stronger, f...
Continuing where he left off last episode , Sensei Hoover shares what he has experienced in the progressive development of his own mind, body, and spirit. The essence of this podcast — Attack Life, Not Others — is realizing w...
In this brief episode, you'll hear these main points: There's a reason we say martial arts, and not martial sports Martial arts seem to have some level of mysticism attached, however, everything still needs to be (or at least...
We all face fear and anxiety at one point or another. Faith, family, and friends are what pull you through. This episode was recorded LIVE from the fundraising event to honor the Florida HS victims we talked about in Ep 004 ....