With multiple styles of martial arts blended into one (or “mixed” as some would say, therefore the term “MMA” — mixed martial arts), Sensei Hoover has developed 6 different formats designed for the specific needs of each part...
In a recent "mat chat" Sensei Hoover asked students of the Junior class 3 questions: Why are you here? What is the enemy of greatness? Who ate nine? Hear their answers, along with his take on those questions. Also, Sensei …
Registration Deadline is April 7th | Register by sending an email to: HKAfundraiser@gmail.com “Whatever the problem, be part of the solution.” The world needs great leaders like these amazing HKA high school students. Februar...
Martial arts are about discipline, respect, control, confidence, and awareness — along with strength of mind and body. Defending oneself physically is only a last resort. A person with these qualities and this mindset is a Pe...
The belt system in martial arts. How did it start? How do you know when it's time to test for the next belt? Is it up to you or your instructor? Martial arts are about the development of the individual. …
For Sensei Tim Hoover and those around him, the martial arts are a way of life. "Attack Life, Not Others" — Hoover Karate Academy's podcast — is an insight into that life. By listening and subscribing, you'll gain a better …