Podcast Episodes

Aug. 29, 2019

Ep 082 - The Importance of Faith, Family, and Friends in Living Longer

The last couple of weeks we’ve been talking about the world’s Blue Zones. There are 9 common lifestyle habits the world’s longest-living cultures all have. The first 3 habits involve staying physically active, finding a sense...

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Aug. 22, 2019

Ep 081 - Eating Habits in Blue Zones with Dr Al Peters​

What are Blue Zones? Why do so many residents in these places live to 100 and longer? They all seem to have 9 commonalities that lead to longer, healthier, happier lives. On the last episode we talked about some of those life...

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Aug. 15, 2019

Ep 080 - Live Longer and Feel Better with Dr Al Peters​

Dr Albert Peters is the owner and medical director of the Center for Anti-Aging Medicine & Hormone Wellness . In this episode, learn how to transform your family and your community to live longer and better. Dr Peters joins T...

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Aug. 8, 2019

Ep 079 - Surviving an Active Shooter Assault

It's pretty hard to “Attack Life” if you're living in fear and anxiety because of extreme violence which seemingly is becoming more prevalent. The US Department of Homeland Security's official recommendation is to “Run, Hide,...

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Aug. 1, 2019

Ep 078 - You Cannot Control Everything

Contrary to what many other podcasts similar to ours are telling you — YOU CAN’T CONTROL CERTAIN THINGS . A trending topic these days seems to be people telling you things such as “Take control of your life!” and “You’re in c...

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July 25, 2019

Ep 077 - How to Reduce Anxiety with Dr Jarrod Spencer

Anxiety is something we all deal with to some degree. What most people don’t realize is how dangerous and detrimental it can be if it’s allowed to grow. It can get out of control, lead to other issues, and ruin lives. Dr Jarr...

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July 18, 2019

Ep 076 - How to Avoid Depression and Keep Your Emotional Energy High …

Dr Jarrod Spencer from Mind of the Athlete, LLC has been on the show a couple times before. First he talked about how high performers focus , then he proved to us how important good sleep is . Contact him if you’re interested...

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July 11, 2019

Ep 075 - Control Your Emotions

Tim shares a recent story about anger and rage. It could have ended very badly. Other things discussed include: Tim’s 15-minute rule with his wife The reason why indignation can be good, even though rage is bad The major diff...

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July 4, 2019

Ep 074 - Proud To Be An American

It’s our July 4th Special Episode — some thoughts and reflections on Independence Day 2019. “Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.” — John F Kennedy

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June 27, 2019

Ep 073 - Good Sleep is Important with Dr Jarrod Spencer

Dr Jarrod Spencer from Mind of the Athlete, LLC is back on the show. This time the guys talk about sleep — one of the most important things of all if you want to be healthy, powerful, and productive. You’ll hear the following...

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June 20, 2019

Ep 072 - Learning to Shift and Focus on Your Priorities

Having the ability to focus on what needs to be done is something we talk about often on our show. Focusing is what got Brad out of jail and it's what allowed Eddie to reclaim his life after tragedy. Last week Dr Jarrod Spenc...

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June 14, 2019

Ep 071 - How to Focus with Dr Jarrod Spencer

Dr Jarrod Spencer is a sports psychologist, professional speaker, author, and consultant. President and founder of Mind of the Athlete, LLC — a sports psychology company — he is committed to improving the emotional health of ...

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June 6, 2019

Ep 070 - The Ten Rules for Fighting

Sensei Steve Turoscy joins us to share the 10 Rules for Fighting he has devised over the years. Not only do these principles apply to the martial arts, but to everyday life, as the case is with all discussions on the show. Li...

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May 30, 2019

Ep 069 - Book Recommendation​: The Takeover

The Takeover is a book that will help you program your thoughts and actions to perform at your highest level. In this episode authors George “GK” Koufalis and Brad A Modrich join Tim Hoover and Steve Mittman to share a few of...

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May 23, 2019

Ep 068 - There Are No Coincidences, Trust Your Instincts

The last two weeks we told the story about tragedy and survival — Episode 066 and Episode 067 . Truth be told Tim and Steve weren’t even sure to begin with if they wanted to discuss it — because of the painful, sensitive subj...

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May 16, 2019

Ep 067 - Focus is Necessary to Attack Life

On last week’s show we set the stage for this powerful episode you’re about to hear. Eddie Yurickones joins Tim and Steve as they talk about the horrific tragedy in 1995 — the loss of Eddie’s teenage son. He was shot and kill...

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May 9, 2019

Ep 066 - Evil Exists, Senseless Violence

If you think shootings are becoming more frequent and worse — you're right. The term “active shooter” is now a part of our everyday language, and often media portrays these incidents as “the new normal.” Politics aside, how d...

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May 2, 2019

Ep 065 - Live In The Moment

If you’re going to listen to only one episode, this might be the one to “reset” the way you view your life. Our guest — Life Coach, Dr Bernie — explains how the only true reality is the present moment. Hear why he says every ...

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April 25, 2019

Ep 064 - Never Stop Expanding

Previously we’ve talked about the connection between fear and courage along with the importance of getting comfortable in an uncomfortable situation . Today Tim and Steve talk about the recent competition Steve took part in —...

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April 18, 2019

Ep 063 - Rituals and Traditions

We talk about customs, rituals, and traditions. Every society, every culture, every religion, and every nation has them. Many of us have our individual rituals. The martial arts run deep with rituals. Most rituals — if perfor...

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April 11, 2019

Ep 062 - He puts the "C" in Consistency

Clarence Cook is a well-known personal trainer in Allentown, PA. Anyone that knows him knows he is a stand-up guy — the perfect example of what our podcast is about. He attacks life, not others. He consistently trains and mai...

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April 4, 2019

Ep 061 - Rank Up, Refine Yourself

"They may forget what you said — but they will never forget how you made them feel.” — Carl W Buehner In this touching episode, Tim and Steve talk about people in their lives that have had long-term influences on them. Those ...

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March 28, 2019

Ep 060 - Firearms and Gun Safety

Our guest, Gary Shankweiler is a martial artist and an NRA Certified Instructor with over 50 years of experience with firearms. Keeping politics out of it — whether or not you are a proponent of more gun control laws, the fac...

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March 21, 2019

Ep 059 - The Way of The Warrior

It was on this date — March 21st — one year ago that we launched Attack Life, Not Others. By now you know there are several principles that much of what we talk about is based on. One of those fundamentals is the way of the p...

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