Oct. 22, 2020

Ep 142 - You Never Know Who and How Many You Might Influence

Ep 142 - You Never Know Who and How Many You Might Influence

Aaron Cerrone is the owner and head instructor of Mid America Martial Arts in Omaha, NE. He started his martial arts journey with Sensei Hoover while in 6th grade— roughly 35 years ago. This episode reunites Tim and his former student, Aaron, to discover the profound and long-term impact they had on each other.

It’s a reminder that not only do we never know who we might influence, but also how that influence may continue spreading for years to come. This is the case with positive and negative influence — just another reason to “Attack Life, Not Others.” By taking care of yourself, those around you, and living a life of quality — one helps improve the entire world.

“Invisible and inevitable, like a butterfly that beats its wings in one corner of the globe and with that single action changes the weather halfway across the world.” — Alice Hoffman


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